At Demerara Realty Inc we have an extensive database and network of potential buyers that will suit your ideal buyer profile for your property. Our connections are built on a continuous basis through various methods.
There are various marketing platforms that DRI has established its presence on. Our ads are tailored to generate high interest for our properties, targeting specific leads that align with the key features of each property. This is where our database of over 20,000 leads, connects the dots to ensure we find the perfect match in listings for our Clientele.
There are several real estate fairs and outreaches that are hosted annually in Guyana which we are involved in. This provides the opportunity for us to get a direct one on one with various persons interested in selling and buying a property. We make records of these interactions and store them in our database.
Through various business and personal events we continuously interact with persons from all walks of life ensuring that we leave the DRI brand in their minds. With this, we have built genuine and strong relationships that we continue to sustain as a source of leads.
At Demerara Realty we look at real estate with purpose. With over twenty years of combined experience in the realty business, our wide range of listings offer affordable to high end commercial and residential properties.
Our expertise has lent to the success of our performance over the last two years. Demerara Realty has done the market research that allows us to give our Clients the best – whether their needs are to buy, rent, sell or have their properties efficiently managed.